Friday, February 22, 2013

HI how are you

HI how are you? i am fine so sorry for not writing got busy with school so we have joined a co-op it is a place where a homeschooler can meet a homechooler but still can do school so like a school but once a week on my is on Friday i go with my bother and sister and we have been going for like 3 months it is really fun i am take 5 classes i take sew, lit,mid evil history,music,and art they are relly fun so i have a few friend and at recess we do chapter the flag or we race so that is what i have be doing


Thursday, September 6, 2012

at the Arch in St.Louis!!!

Hey how are you. I am fine. So sorry for not writing we were moving. And we are now in are new home it is big!!! We went to look at the Arch in St.Louis!!! We are in a town called Florissant MO. so cool right.! So we(me,my sister,my bother,and my dad) (not my mom) went up in to the top of the Arch! So cool! We maybe going to the zoo so cool to! We started school on Aug. So ya that is about it of what we have been doing. But unpacking;( hehe so bye bye for now haha. bye bye.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How's your summer?

Hey how are you? I am fine so sorry for not writing it has been a busy summer! Today I went to the Library for an ice cream social. We made our own ice cream, it was really good vanilla ice cream. So how is your summer? My is good and busy. And I hope the rest of your summer is good. I know the rest of my summer is going to be good! Nice writing to you! Write to you soon!!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

what you been doing?

Hi sorry that we have not been writing we have been so busy. So how are you? I am fine. How was your Christmas and new year? Mine was great. So what have you guys been doing? You guys know what I have been doing being busy! Thanksgiving I got a fake American girl doll and on Christmas my brother got me some clothes for her and it was ballerina clothes. I named my girl Abby and today I am making her some school supplies. bye                                                            love

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

jude thaddaeus: I am stong can't beat that
today we had two cute babys over for about 7 hours and this week we started summer school.

pictures i drew

this is jest a picture i drew 

golith:you boy cant beat me i got a six pack. 
david:oh ya i got a rock.

the praing man: dear Jesus please send me a donkey.
donkey: who ordered a donkey. 

im a chinese donkey

my dads name is James.

then he took 5 loaves and 2 fish and looking
up to heaven he blessed them and broke
them and gave it to the disciples
to set befor the multitude
Luke 9:16

gabriel:heres your babby.

got faith

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hi guys it"s me clare

hi it is me Clare. How are you? I"m fine. My mom made  me, Pio and Maria new chore pockets  for school and chores. On April 25 I"m going to be ten a double digit for the first time all the rest of my family is already a double digit Me, Pio and maria just got are own computer like two weeks ago. At bible school I got to section 4 in my awana book! Awana is the name of my bible school. Tomorrow my family is going to a bubble show but not my dad he will be at work tomorrow. bye